Friday 20 September 2013

fashion show

                                                             fashion show :native

every thursday we have the different theme fashion show in our unversity .before l always missed  the fashion show because some reason ,this fashion show is the frist time l sit so near and saw whole the show .it was nice ...

let's see before the fashion show start ,what did they do ?
 this is the make up and hair style students and the teachers make up for the models.  

we were waitting for the fashion show ,let's see the lovely people what did they do ?

these are all my classmates 

me and one beautiful girl

         next let's see my another friends 


the last picuure :

ok ,finnally the fashion show picture coming :

l love this model and the clothers so much ,it's looks like Chinese blue and white porcelain.the model's face looks like Western countries girls .the feeling is like  Combining Eastern and Western cultures.

this clothers is use the black ,gold ,the best things is add this black hat ,it have Hazy beauty.looks like india .

this one the model is one black girl ,she is sexy and l love this shouder design .

this clothers design  and the model "s skain and the hair are show to us the native .

this hat and the way of the make up is the traditional hat and native feeing .

                                             this model is really  beautiful .

this is the only one man model in this fashion show .in the clother have the traditational  pattern .

this clother mixs the write and yellow together .also the flowers is the good oranment for this clother .

                                         what's your feeling about this one ?

this is the last model in this fashion show .thanks for them give us this Visual week we are waitting for you ...


  1. It was a wonderful show.. I like the clothes by they designed.. Amazing!!

  2. nice blog, hope to see more works every week ...
