Friday 20 September 2013

Unique maggy

hello ,this is  me maggy .l am from china .one of the most beautiful country in my heart .my chinese name is yi chao fan .

  l was born in 12 october 1993 .now l am study the fashion and retailing in degree.

     like most of the girls ,we love eatting, shopping ,listening the music ,sleeping .but the different is l am crazy about fashion .fashion is my world .


l love the fashion show ,fashion photography ,make up .

.l rember when l was in the high school frist year 。l was really Self-abased,because in my school we had so many beautiful girls ,l am the nomal girl. l try to be the special one ,fashion clothers helped me a lot .after that l was search all the wedsit about the fashion .

l want to become one luxury manager after l graduated from school .

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