Tuesday 8 October 2013

Fashion Club 'Niaz Art Gallery' Show

                                                                  niaz art gallery's show
                  this week the fashion show in our unversity the design is about iran ,in the clothes all have the iranian writting or design ,it was show ,also before the fashion show ,we have the black girls and boys dance ,also the india dance ,some band and the singer sing the song .

                                   let's see the show.....

                                                             cute girl

                     this is the only one man model in this fashion show ,he is from iran,,,

                         like this clothes ,because the design is nice ,also have the iranian writtig ................

she is also from iran ,one sexy and beautiful girl, l love her short hair than right now,, can you imange she is study architecture..

                     frist girl really so tall,my iranian friend told me she is really beautiful ....
                                         fashion show going to finish ,all the models coming .....

this lady is this fashion show designer ,she is also from iran ,,,,,


  1. nice !! i was there that day :)

  2. I could not watch this show... but thank the perfon who took pics, and then posted pics here... i love fashion
