Wednesday 30 October 2013

limkowing fashion club

today's fashion show is different ,this week fashion show is about our own unversity brand .limkowing unversity fashion club, the fashion clud shop is open in unversity beside cafe shop .

l love today's show more ,because today all the good singer and the models all coming .it's one of the best show in this mouth.

look at this black  singer,he is so cool and he sing so good ,l love the way he is acting .

she looks good ,because l love her hair colour ,is different for  me ,because my hair colour is black since l born.

she is nice .her smile is good ,looks friendly ,you vcan see all the thing is from limkowing unversity fashion club
she is the tallest model in this show ,and she is so thin ,the hand bag look not bad ,and l love most of the black bag.

                                          do you like her hat?

                                                     all the design are black ,

                             when the models coming ,the dj  playing all the way.

just choose some picture from this show .and l am waitting for next week fashion show ...

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