Wednesday 16 October 2013

my birthday

   12 october is my birthday ,after this birthday l became 20 year old ,l feel so much different bettween 19 to 20 ,by the way l am not chilad anymore ,everything l should decided by myself .no one gona force you to do the things ,my father told me this is you life,do  whatever you think is good ,.feel free...

and in this birthday l understood who is my real friend and who is just act,

from that day moring  till the night l received so many messages from my friends .some of them even they are not in malaysia ,and l am really happy ..

and this is the birthday cake ,thank you so much for milad bought this cake for me .........
                                    they also write the chinese ,love it ...

                                        hope my wish gona came ture so soon ....

haha ,nice picture ,

this year l hope it's better than last year ,and everything gona become fine ...


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